An American In Italy

A semester spent in Europe... Rome, specifically.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Bonny bonny banks of Loch Lomond

It's official -- I'm going to Scotland this weekend, hooah.

Myself and three girl friends of mine are going to fly into Glasgow on Friday and out on Sunday, in the meantime we'll somehow make a big counter-clockwise loop, taking the train to Edinburgh (say: ED-in-burra) and then circling around stopping somewhere around 9 or 10 o'clock on the circle.

We plan on visiting Birnam Wood and Dunsinane (which were in the guidebooks!) where we will have dramatic readings of Macbeth (which we read for English class), and we're going to break off some branches and storm Dunsinane!

Furthermore, I think I read somewhere that the third Harry Potter movie was filmed in Glencoe, so we're going to try to find that.

Other than that, plans are loose and flexible, but huzzah! A country where they speak English. ;)

Does anybody have any other Scotland suggestions?

Also, a caveat for Ryanair: there are a bunch of hidden fees. Karen's payment thing looked like this:

*******169.98 EUR Adults
*********0.00 EUR Fees
*********5.89 EUR Service Charges
*********6.56 EUR Ins/whcr Levy
*********7.36 EUR UK Air Duty
*********9.01 EUR Government Tax
*********3.93 EUR Airport Taxes
*********0.00 EUR Car rental
*********0.00 EUR Insurance
*******202.73 EUR Total Paid

It looks a little more dramatic on my card, as I put two other people on mine, and that's just for Karen. The respective fees increase per person, and so the "Ins/whcr Levy" (what the heck is that???) is about 20 Euro on mine. The government tax is close to 30.

No clue what to do about this -- it's got to be avoidable somehow.



At 3:52 AM, Blogger Zadok the Roman said...

A country where they speak English. ;)You've obviously not met any Scots then... :)

At 7:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! If you want to come to St Andrews (about 1 hour north of Edinburgh), I and a few other Catholics here can probably feed you and give you the grand tour.

Email me if you're interested!

- Andrew Cusack (Catholic Yank at St Andrews)


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